-2lbs of ground beef
-1 jar of sofrito
-1 block of cream cheese
-3 cups of fiesta shredded cheese
-1 can of refried beans (I used jalapeño kind)
-1 cup of cooked rice
-Colored bell peppers
Cooked ground beef (seasoned with lots of garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, pepper, lowry’s and seasonall). Drained it.
Added jar sofrito. Mixed. Added in beans, cream cheese, rice, shredded cheese to my beef.
With the bell peppers, cut top, deseeded, brushed with olive oil, and put in the oven for 20 minutes til it got semi soft. Took out and put it in a plastic bag to sweat it. It got super softer.
Then took them out stuffed them, added more shredded cheese on top, and put them back in the oven til it looked like this!