Stop buying avocados. Here’s how to grow an avocado tree in a small pot at home


Avocado is one of the recent foundations of modern healthy eating. The delicious bowl of guacamole can be your next favorite snack and is guilt-free thanks to the presence of this healthy fruit.

The numerous benefits of avocados have taken the health-conscious community by storm. This fruit is rich in essential vitamins such as vitamin B5, B6, C, K, E, potassium, etc. Avocados are also an excellent source of fiber and are said to have a heart-healthy fatty acid similar to that found in olive oil.

Due to its versatility in the kitchen, avocados have continued to grow in popularity. They can easily be inserted into all dishes to enrich their color, or to replace a less healthy choice without altering the taste of the meal.

We explain how to grow your own avocados in a few simple steps, without needing a large garden.
1. Sprout the avocado pit

Take the avocado pit and insert three toothpicks into it. Make sure they are positioned approximately in the middle and equally spaced. The toothpicks must be strong and identical, because they will allow you to suspend the stone.
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