Natural fungicide for vegetable beds and garden, this ingredient keeps insects away


For plants you have to use the latter, the powder. Cinnamon is used in cooking but also as a natural remedy. In fact, it is very popular because it has antifungal and disinfectant properties. What you probably don’t know is that you can also use it in the garden and in your vegetable patch.

Cinnamon: natural fungicide
The use of cinnamon in the garden is very useful as it helps fight fungi and pathogenic insects. There are several ways to use it in your garden and now we will look at some of them. From fungus killer to rooting hormone. Cinnamon is a true ally for gardening and plant care.

Cinnamon is ideal for planting new plants and when not all factors favor growth. In fact, it helps the seed or seedling germinate healthily as it prevents diseases from attacking the plant and causing the seedling to die prematurely.

Cinnamon on plants
Sprinkling cinnamon around the plants on the ground prevents moisture retention and thus the proliferation of fungi and bacteria. In addition, it also prevents the development of green algae on the surface of the substrate, a very common disease.

By eliminating the fungi that mosquitoes feed on, we also eliminate them. That’s why you should also start with cinnamon. It is an excellent natural fungicide, it costs very little and causes absolutely no harm. You just have to try this remedy to keep insects away from your plants.