These 7 kitchen tools are just taking up space. See why you don't really need them


Olive oil misters are such a weird gadget, we really have to pause and think about who invented them and why. Olive oil misters are meant to spray delicate greens such as arugula and leaf lettuce with a fine mist of olive oil, sometimes flavored with things like lemon peel or mint. But you can get the same result by simply combining the ingredients needed to make a vinaigrette and then applying it lightly to your salad or your greens. If it's not a dressing you're looking for, just lightly drizzle olive oil onto your food. You don't need a mister, you just need to use a lighter hand.
6. Hamburger press
These devices are meant to be filled with ground meat and then pressed, shaping your meat into the perfect burger shape. But like any gadget that's specific for one thing, it's something you just don't need. Once you've mixed all your ingredients together, use two hands to roll that meat up into a large ball, and then flatten it and shape it. No press required!
7. Knife block
Haven't we spent much of this post telling you that knives can take the place of many different kitchen gadgets? So why are we telling you to get rid of your knife block? While knife blocks are designed to keep your knives safe and dry, they take up a lot of room on the counter and often end up being dirty and grimy. Instead, store your knives the best possible way by hanging a magnetic strip in the kitchen and placing your knives on that instead. They'll be out of the way and will always be clean, as there's no space for dirt to get trapped.