The Ultimate Veggie Delight for Blood Sugar Balance


  1. Prep the Onions: Start by cutting off the top of each onion but leave the root intact. This helps the onion hold together while being cut and baked. Slice the onion from the top without cutting all the way through, creating sections that open slightly.
  2. Soak: Place the onions in water for 10-15 minutes. This step helps to soften them slightly and reduce any harshness.
  3. Coat: In a bowl, mix the rye flour, almond flour, grated Parmesan, and the spices. In another bowl, beat the eggs. Dip each onion first in the egg and then in the flour mixture, ensuring it gets into the sections.
  4. Bake: Preheat your oven to 200°C (392°F). Place the coated onions on a baking tray and bake for 30 minutes or until they’re beautifully golden.
  5. The Sauce: While the onions are baking, blend tomatoes with fresh basil, garlic, and salt to taste. This fresh sauce complements the savory richness of the baked onions perfectly.

Beyond the Dish